Online Forms Now Available

In order to improve efficiency (and to save our customers time) you can now download the following forms and applications*.  Once you have printed the documents you can bring them to Madisonville City Hall at 400 College Street, Madisonville, TN.

*All forms and applications are in PDF format and can be opened with Adobe Acrobat Reader or any other PDF reader.  Click on the Green text to download the PDF file.

Application, Residential City Service, Water & Gas – If you wish to add Gas or Water Service to your location, please print and complete the form.  Next, you must deliver to Madisonville City Hall and pay for the Activation cost and other applicable charges.

Agenda Request Form – To be placed on the agenda (approval required), complete the Agenda Request Form.  This form must completed and returned to the City Hall seven days prior to the first Monday of each month.

Business License– Please print and complete the form. Next, you must deliver to Madisonville City Hall and pay for the business license charge.

Codes Enforcement- Building Permits: NEW Online Permit Portal

We are excited to announce our new online portal for convenience in applying for building permits.  Create your account on the website to begin.